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Posts tagged ‘by faith’

Giving up is not an option!

Encouraging Word: James 1:2-8 (MSG Bible)

“Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.  So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely.  Let it do its work so you become mature and well developed, not deficient in any way.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father.  He loves to help.  You’ll get His help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it.  Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought.  People who “worry their prayers” are like wind-whipped waves.  Don’t think you’re going to get anything from the Master that way, adrift at sea, keeping all your options open.”

Power Word: Giving up is not an option! 

The pressure of life as a disable person has changed my life’s situation differently than when I was healthy.  I just had major surgery on my spine and now am in a wheel chair for an indefinitely time.  This has altered my life in ways I never would have expected as a man.  Part of me wanted to give up!  A gift call friendship made this statement to me:  “By faith you do believe that your car will start once you place the key into the ignition and turn it.”  I answer yes! Well why you can’t believe by faith for your healing.  Even if you never rise up out of that chair there is a higher purpose for you. 

Today, Giving up is not an option.   One of the emotions of being disable is feeling less than, but by faith and connecting with other disabled men and women I realize I’m whole by the grace of God.  I just had to change my mind set and become proactive in facing challenges head on.

God desires to use your “Disability for His Ability!” You’re not alone whatever the situation maybe, there is a plan that will workout for your good.

Prayer:  May His Grace rest upon you removing worry, doubt, frustration, fear and depression.  Replaced the negative with inner joy, peace, love, hope, a smile, positive outlook on life and strength from caregivers. 

There are chapters in every life which are seldom read and certainly not aloud.  ~Carol Shields

David A. Harris-Gavin,

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