Building stronger bonds by sharing family values

Archive for June, 2012

A Prayer For You!

I pray you to set your heart upon this, and to offer the humble prayer, “Lord, now reveal yourself to me, so that I may never lose the sight of you. Give me to understand that through the thick darkness you come to make yourself known.” Let not one heart doubt, however dark it may be at midnight – whatever midnight there may be in the soul – in the dark, Christ can reveal Himself.”

Peace Be Still!!!!!

David A. H. Gavin

Granting Forgiveness


Granting forgivingness is:
a.  Obedience to a command.
       ……bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.  Colossians3:13
b.  An attitude of letting go of resentment and your right to get even.
c.  An action that must be expressed by word and deed.
d.  A choice to set your mate free from a debt or an offense that has occurred against you.
In summary, by granting forgiveness it does three things.  It releases you from being in bondage, it begins the healing process and it leads to oneness with you mate.