Building stronger bonds by sharing family values

Posts tagged ‘american adults’

Forgiveness is Awesome

There is power in forgiveness. In other words, it’s okay to agree to disagree. This is part of the process of communication.

Under the Influence

It is easy to fall under the influence of other people. For example; your in-laws, exspouse, and other relatives who are giving you advance from there prospective. Only you and if you’re married your mate knows what direction is best for your household.


You Shall Have Peace Today.

Never Allow Anger To Divid Your Family

“The more anger toward the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present!” Barbara De Angelis

“For every minute you are angry, you lose sixty seconds of happiness!”

I Chose You

When choosing the person to become you mate accept it is a package deal.

Love and Marriage

God Knows What You’re Going Through


I'm Not Deaf!

Purpose of your problems and difficulties

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that for outweighs them all.” 1 Corinthians 4:17 (NIV)

 “What is the purpose of your problems and difficulties? God wants you to learn something. Every storm is a school. Every trial is a teacher. Every experience is an education. Every difficulty is for your development.

 Most of us are slow learners. If you don’t learn something the first time, God will bring it up again in your life. It will come back because God is more interested in your character than he is in your comfort. He is more interested in making you like Christ than he is making things easy for you.” Rick Warren

 You may be facing a major difficulty right now: an illness, financial problem, strain in a relationship or just a day-to-day struggle. Does God have a message for you while you’re going through your difficulties? Yes, he will never leave you or forsake you. Stay encouraged and get connect?

Who Disciplines Which Kids?

Who Disciplines Which Kids? It is usually easier and more natural for the biological parent to discipline his or her own child/children. However, some couples do share responsibility for discipline. REMEMBER: each child is unique and will react to discipline in different ways, whether applied by the parent or step-parent.

Be kind and patient when applying discipline, but not indulgent. Set firm limits without anger or spite. Make sure to let the child know that he or she is valued, but misbehavior is not acceptable. Even in a nuclear family, children will test limits, so when a stepchild says, “You can’t tell me what do; you’re not my parent,” try to avoid an angry power struggle. State your position and stick to it, preferably with the support of your partner.

Only if I could tell them whats on my mind

Dad’s Your Daughters Needs You!

Dads give guidance to their sons and moms guidance their daughters. But particularly as girls mature, they need their dads’ perspective as they approach significant crossroads. Daughters need the benefit of their dads’ life experiences and wisdom as they consider important life decisions and think through possible consequences of their choices.

Your daughter also needs to know that you cherish her as a person and you admire her as a lovely young woman. She isn’t just another person; she is special and unique, and worthy of your attention. She is royalty. Your love maybe what it takes for her not to fade into the shadows of darks wondering around looking for hope. She needs you to be a dad not a stranger perpetrating to be someone he’s not. 

Begin today by loving her with a simple phone call, taking her to lunch or better yet a hug. 



David A. Harris-Gavin

Modern Day Family Pt2

Blended Families face Unique Challenges

The image of the traditional American family — the nuclear family of the Clevers and Huxtables — was once limited to mom, dad, and children living happily together under roof. Today the notion of a typical family has gradually expanded to included blended families of stepparents and stepchildren, like the Bradys and the Kardashians.

Blended families are one of the fastest growing segments of families in the United States, but unlike the nicely packaged problems seen on Television, these families struggle with issues that are anything but easy.  Major issues that newly blended families face include integrating discipline styles and coping with strong emotions, while at the same time building new relationships from scratch.

“It’s hard to step out of that role – am I a friend or am I a parent? But as an adult, you’re the parent, you have to discipline because there are going to be times that they’re with you alone,” said New York psychologist Dr. Janet Taylor in an interview with “Good Morning America.”

“Come from a nurturing standpoint, where you teach them responsibility, but do it from a place of love.”

Yes, love is a key factor but the major role begins with the new couple and what they have agreed upon before they said I do.  If you begin to look at why the child or children are acting out, you may have a better understand on how to solve the issues at hand.  First they have suffered a great loss in loosing the other parent and secondly adjustment doesn’t come over night.  Continue to esteem your mate but at the same time don’t stop showing affection for all your children.

David A. Harris-Gavin